This is my first farewell letter to Her Campus. This article is the last article you will read of mine on the Bradley University Her Campus page. It also...
My final article as a member of Her Campus, a thank you to my club!
This is my last Her Campus article. This is it, this is everything. Thank you, I'll miss you, and I have loved this time. - Maddie
Owners of great hits enshrined in Brazilian music and mind. Learn a little about the band that thrilled thousands of fans during their farewell tour.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.Goodbyes are never easy. There’s always a sense of dread lurking after you say them,...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.To: Panic! At The Disco, I didn’t expect to write this farewell love letter in...
Saying goodbye to one of my favorite chapters in my life, Her Campus Kent State.
According to Her Campus CAU social media staff and senior art major, Maiya Prospere, attending Clark Atlanta University has assisted her in...