After being filmed for a shocking duration of 19 days, the drama “Whiplash” took cinema by storm with its use of light and color to portray Andrew Neiman’s (Miles...
In “Missing,” the latest thriller on Netflix, a tech-savvy high school senior embarks on a desperate search for her missing mother. Blending suspense with a commentary on digital literacy...
Miller’s Girl (2023) takes the nuanced topic of teacher-student relationships and spins it in dangerous ways. This film could be harmful to people forming opinions about the topic.
Exploring women-centric stories in matriarchies with unconventional social orders and the occasional help from supernatural forces.
Saltburn has shocked the internet. But is it really as transgressive as TikTok tells us?
This film is definitely different from other more glamorized depictions of Elvis, and I appreciate how Priscilla’s narrative is being brought to the forefront where she hasn’t been mentioned...
A deep dive into my favorite interpretations of the infamous Twilight Saga.
Disney princesses have evolved from reinscribing traditional norms of femineity to inspiring young woman. But what exactly caused this shift and how do the animated princesses compare to their...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.Purple Hearts, produced by Sofia Carson, also a leading actress, was about an aspiring...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.The Academy Awards are like the Super Bowl to me, and year after year I...