The live-action remake of "How to Train Your Dragon" has sparked discourse on social media revolving around the casting of the character Astrid. When it comes to race, is...
It's been a year since The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes hit theaters, and yet, it feels like everyone has moved on.
Somehow, when male actors converse with transparency it's deemed authentic, insightful, even admirable; yet, when women partake, it's greedy, ungrateful, and unappreciative. And this only exposes a darker social...
Four movie releases to look forward to break up the school routine.
Recent Grammy winners: Their speeches and the impact their wins have had.
It has been almost a year since Tiger Woods and Justin Timberlake first announced the closure of St Andrews' beloved New Picture House cinema to make way for their...
The article highlights about the recent reports from the Hema Committee and the working conditions of women in the Indian film industry.
Can money and contacts buy a place in the industry?
The Oscar nominated film director has outstanding cinematographic productions that you must add to your movie list!
After searching for a movie to watch one night, I realized how many involve romance. Why is this something we focus on so much in society?