Some underground locations for that study grind!
Academic stress happens every semester—especially during midterms and finals week—but burnout is very different.
But through the 4 finals weeks I’ve been through, I’ve learned a few different ways to keep myself from becoming overwhelmed by the workload and maintain healthy habits throughout...
This article is about how to use AI to learn more effectively and which websites to use!
Looking to get rid of some stress? Here's why axe-throwing was a great change in my routine.
College: where your planner looks flawless, your outfits are on point, and your grades? Well, let’s just say they exist. It’s all about pretending you have everything under control...
Something I have continued to struggle with this semester, and in life in general, is moving forward in the face of the anxiety and stress that comes along with...
Tis' the season for stress. As our semesters close, the never-ending mountain of final assignments and tests is coming. It's when coffee cups are stacked high, libraries are crammed,...
While it can be hard to set aside time to celebrate the holidays during the last weeks of the semester, here are some small ways I like to incorporate...
During this stressful time of the semester, here are a few of my favorite ideas for destressing and taking a break during finals!