As a senior, I kicked it into high gear at the beginning of the year. I went to career advising to get my resume looked at, worked on my...
Have you wondered what a life was like without friends? Are you currently living a life without friends? I don't even want to think about...
When it comes to our spirit or our spirituality, can we really narrow it down to a single unit?
Discover what matters the most when it comes to the end of a relationship.
If you like ghosts, this article is for you.
The universe has a funny way of manifesting our purpose. Many days we go through life wondering why we were put on this earth. I feel as if...
I am lucky to have found my squad during my junior year.
It seems like we spend most of our lives trying to define ourselves. Every choice we make seems to say something about who we are and how...
“We travel, some of us forever, to seek other places, other lives, other souls.” – Anais Nin I encourage you to do what Anais Nin says, go...