Many individuals look at college as the start of their life, taking their first step into the real world. Part of this first step, for many...
That was quite the dramatic season of the Bachelor and we're gearing up for The Bachelorette . Read our Staff Writer Megan's profile on the new Bachelorette , Clare...
After years of blissful ignorance, I recently watched the final of the show that nobody can stop talking about: the hit ITV reality show,...
Being a hopeless romantic, you always think about love and if you’ll ever find it. Before moving to a different country one of the things I...
The plane ride into a real life romcom.
Well everyone it is officially that time of year again, THE BACHELORETTE has returned. This season we get to watch Becca Kufrin try and...
You really can be your own hero.
As an African American female, I can create my own narrative.
It is 2018, the start of a new year, which also means the start of new friendships, new shows and new love interests. Most girls, including...
A frat party isn't the only place to meet someone!