We’re spending too much time worrying about comparing ourselves to others when everyone is valuable and beautiful in their own way. In a nutshell, we are our worst critics.
In the United States of America, there are a lot of unfortunate situations in which many people complain about. These issues or...
Like when people tell you that you look like Harry Potter.
My mother always used tell me when I was younger that if I didn’t eat my food, it would get cold and become unappetizing. As a child, I...
During this time of thanksgiving, we all begin to think about all of our blessings. We have so many incredible things that other people...
#1: Registering for classes Yelp, I guess I have to wait until next semester. #2: The line at Port City Java and Chick-Fil-A Do I really...
TGFE (Thank Goodness For Emojis).
The breakdown of the BU Housing Selection as told by "The Hunger Games"