My journey to graduation hasn't been a traditional one. But as a first generation student, I would have never imagined where I am now.
Kelly Morel, B.A., graduated from Queens College with a degree in neuroscience and is currently a Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) candidate at William James College, specializing in neuropsychology. Kelly...
Navigating college as a first-gen student can feel like one missed opportunity after another, but it doesn't have to.
Goodbye, Her Campus. This is truly the end of an era. I joined Her Campus when I was 18 and now at 23 it’s time for the hardest goodbye.
As first-generation Americans, we encounter many challenges in our everyday lives. The United States lifestyle is completely foreign to our families, which is okay. There are so many of...
Being a first generation student is an overwhelming experience. So many of us are also either children of immigrants, or immigrants ourselves. It can be so wonderful, and so...
I am the first person in my family to go to college.
If it’s up to me, I’m in great hands
How author Alejandra Campoverdi is helping break the stigma around the perfect first generation expectation.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.I had no idea what to do when I began my college journey. It didn’t...