Thrill the World is a huge event in which people all over the world simultaneously dance to Michael Jackson's Thriller while also raising money for the organization, World Dance...
I grew up watching countless movies from the Hindi film industry, more commonly referred to as “Bollywood,” a combination of Hollywood and...
Photo Courtesy of Kathryn Brown FLASH MOB U know! For the fourth year in a row, Terp Fans participated in our ultimate flash mob tradition...
Let's fight and dance to end domestic violence.
INK (International Club) surprised students with a well-planned flash mob during the 2015 Unity Day event! They dance to songs like "...
A love story that will warm your heart, what ambitious women do differently and more!
Recently, student elections were held at Falmouth University, and the results that spilled out into each hopeful candidates’ inbox strongly...
Today, October 3rd 2013, at 12:37pm , students, led by the Student Government Association ( SGA ) and the Center For Education Policy...
"Successful flash mob today with DeltaChi to promote Cram the Coliseum!" - @SFA_ZTA Breast Cancer Awareness;