It’s my last HerCampus Article of my undergraduate degree. What better to write about then to wonder what’s next.
I can tolerate a lot of these but #3 really gets to me...
I interviewed St. Bonaventure Bonnies Men’s Basketball forward Tshiefu Ngalakulondi about his role and his expectations for himself and the...
For most people, This is Us is a tearjerker. For some of us, This is Us is a sobbing machine. I used to love this show and my family...
Yes, college is nothing like high school, but that’s all a part of growing up and learning from your experiences.
If you really had a time machine, what would you want to do with your life?
Life can be tough, but there's always something to which we can look forward! Here's a few things I'm excited about in the near future...
Con Ganas- with gusto; with vigour; in a lively way; wholeheartedly; forward. On March 3rd through the 5th the Memorial Student Center...
Life is all about progress. Every move in life is toward the next milestone and opportunity. There are times where we may feel like we need...