Sometimes, the hardest part of moving forward isn’t the climb—it’s letting go of the weight we’re no longer meant to carry.
Ways the school system crushed my creativity and steps to take to redo this limiting system.
Sept. 16, 2022 marked the second anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s death. This resurged the ongoing Women Life Freedom movement in Iran, sparking conversation on the struggles faced by countless...
As the national landscape for reproductive rights shifts, Florida finds itself at pivotal crossroads with the introduction of an initiative aimed at securing the right to abortion in the...
"I was so amazed that my roommate would enjoy going grocery shopping by herself in downtown Boston or how she always wanted to go on long runs alone. Safe...
Did you hate high school? While I wish I could remember it fondly, it remains the most difficult and most unhappy time in my life. But, I love college....
2012 Tumblr said it best “Boys Suck” so might as well date yourself.
The Resplendent Quetzal bird is a stunning wonder of nature which serves as a significant symbol in Guatemalan culture.