September 25th marked the 20th anniversary of the release of the pilot episode of Freaks and Geeks . The show depicts the lives of two...
Why Freaks and Geeks is the only anniversary reunion that we need.
1. Dwight Schrute The Office Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica. 2. Sue Heck The Middle Whenever Sue fell down, Suki picked her right back...
Let’s be honest here: college is full of the most interesting people, and also some of the most annoying. Possibly for the first time,...
Stefano Macchina went to the University of Windsor before transferring to St. Clair College as a graduate of Finance in 2014. He then went...
Every time I hear “Ripple” by the Grateful Dead, I can’t help but be carried away to the drab halls of McKinley High School. McKinley High...
TV shows tend to favor the handsome Casanovas — you know, the guys with the washboard abs and the amazing hair — but lately, we’ve been...