An overwhelmingly patriotic whoop, or a desperate call for help? You decide. These are the thoughts I have as a first time voter…
Want some sweat-spiration? Will sexy spandex, fuzzy sweatbands, metallic leotards and permed curls spring you out the door? If so, then you too could change the world just as...
No longer are the days where your parents ask you, “Huh?” when you respond to a request by saying, “Bet.” Basic 2022 English slang can be tough, but luckily...
Since its creation in 2010, iPads , or tablets in general, have become a staple in every American household. Much like adults have their...
In late March, as beaches, bars, and universities are shut down, a video surfaces of a university student from Ohio. Shirtless and wearing...
As someone fluent in everyday midlife crises, I am very familiar with not knowing for sure if I’m making the right life choices. It feels...
Imagine being fully informed and researched on your topic for your speech, and then an older MP heckles you in disbelief of the facts that...
I know that splitting people into generations can be useful. It helps identify social trends and - for better or worse - influences...
Success. It’s a word we hear all the time. Professors, parents, peers, and even we stress the need to be successful but what does does it...