The past three and a half years have certainly been a roller coaster as a student at Geneseo. I will happily be graduating in a couple of...
From blazing reds to cooling purples, nothing compares to a Geneseo sunset. While we love the sunsets, there are many other reasons why...
I hope that you all have gotten to know HC at Geneseo better!
Just like past Her Campus members did in an article a couple of years ago, it’s time for a new group of HC members to share why we chose...
The purée adds another dimension to the flavor profile and makes the oats all the more creamy. Mmmmm … just the thought!
Geneseo is home to some incredible biodiversity—if you’re in the market to see thirty million seagulls fighting over the same pizza crust, balding squirrels and ever wanted to find...
And how much of it falls to the students?
Something–or some one –lives in the Sturges’ bathrooms.
It takes even more hard work to be successful in college. However, you don’t have to do it alone!
Why aren’t you good enough?