This year, February 15 is one of the lesser recognized and celebrated holidays: President’s Day, a holiday predominantly characterized by...
Yes, the famous holiday, President's Day, was on this day last week. Although it is never to late to learn and know about what the holiday...
My review of a musical I had spent 3 years waiting to see!
Ice cream. Who doesn’t like ice cream? Fascists. I challenge you to find a single photo of Adolf Hitler or Benito Mussolini enjoying a nice...
Name: Nikolai Bottitta Hometown: Munich, Germany Lives: Montgomery, New Jersey Year: Freshman Major: Finance Intended Minor: Geographical...
Name: Sarah Sem Hometown: Jericho, Vermont Year: Freshman Major: Political Communications Intended Minor: Classical Studies Involvement on...
Let's talk about change. Specifically, my progression of first idolizing Lizzie McGuire to now staring at that Indie Girl in the forest. I...