I started working out about 10 years ago - primarily for the purpose of losing weight and getting in better shape. Initially, I realized a...
How about something that can combine both pumpkins and a workout routine, together? Here is the pumpkin workout! Enjoy.... P, is for 10...
Do you want to get fit before the holidays or just to look like a better version of you? Well, here are some tips and workouts that will...
"It makes me feel happier — a kind of happy I had been missing out on."
Spring break is about two weeks away and although I still haven’t figured out how to fit in three months of working out and eating right...
The fall semester is a new beginning. Harp on the cliché “ new year, new me ” talk all you want, but it can actually be very positive if...
Hitting the gym does wonders for a collegiette’s health, confidence, and spring break body! One of the simplest and most effective ways I’...