Here are some tips to practice gratitude after Thanksgiving ends!
"It wasn’t until I implemented gratitude practices in my everyday routine that I stopped dreading the aspects of my life that I could not change. I realized that I...
There's a lot of focus on being grateful during the Thanksgiving season. Here's how I practice gratitude by staying mindfuland present.
For some, Christmas can be an overwhelming time. However, it's okay to slow down and enjoy November before the Christmas rush settles in.
Five different looks for one special holiday.
Take the chance to be kind to others, value your family, and discover joy in the small things.""
4 easy ways to fall in love with your life this fall!
As October comes to a close and we pack away our Halloweekend outfits, I cannot help but consider what I will say I am thankful for at the Thanksgiving...
Practicing gratitude is one of the most essential parts of self-care, but is often not seen enough in our routines.
Romanticizing your life as a college girl is one of the most underrated things you can do for yourself. Not only does it provide something to look forward to,...