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Articles Tagged With: Greensboro
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Why is Greensboro Called Gate City?

During my freshman year of college, East Lee Street/West Lee Street was changed to East Gate City Boulevard and West Gate City Boulevard...

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Live Music: Keeping it Classical

When was the last time you ventured to your local downtown theatre to sit and absorb all of the elements of a musical composition with all...

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The Importance of Civic Engagement

Throughout the spring semester, I have been enrolled in a course here at UNCG called CST 200: Communication and Community . I remember,...

A “Friendly” Girl’s Night Out

Are you looking for the perfect “get dressed up” night out with the girls? Then look no further than Greensboro’s one and only Friendly...

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Staying In Greensboro Over Break

Whatever the reason there is that you have chosen or have been forced to stay in Greensboro over the winter break, here are a few tips on...

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Explore Greensboro- Geeksboro

Do you like coffee? Do you like board games? Video games? How about movies? If you enjoy any or all of the above things, I know just the...