She was very special to me, and I write this piece to honor her and what she taught me.
Her Campus at JMU
Thank you, Betty.
Her Campus at U Mass Boston
Appreciating the Small Parts of Life: A lesson in Grief
"A stranger in the store smiling at you, someone complimenting your outfit, or cuddling your pet. FaceTiming your best friend, spending mundane moments with a partner, or a game...
Her Campus at ODU
Coping and Healing: The Grief of a Miscarriage
There's no correct way to handle grief, especially when it comes to a miscarriage. Here are some things I learned, after my experience.
Her Campus at Ashoka
Mourning the loss of grief
How do we grieve the loss of someone we loved, where our love despite being unforgettable, remains unfulfilled? What happens when we are not sad enough, when the tears...
Her Campus at Texas
To Stephanie
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.Loss happens. Everyone will experience it at some point, but I promise you, nobody is...