Ghislaine Maxwell has been making headlines for decades. Having surrounded herself with the important socialites and of generations past, Maxwell has never strayed too far from the cameras and...
Her Campus at CWU
A Crash Course on Ghislaine Maxwell and Why She’s Been in The News Lately
Her Campus at UCF
Why You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty for Getting What You Want
Dreams don't work unless you do.
Her Campus at MNSU
My Guilty Pleasure: The Sims
We all have those “secret” pleasures we typically keep to ourselves, here is mine.
Her Campus at Washington
Why Harvey Weinsten’s Guilty Verdict Is So Important and What It Means For The #MeToo Movement
Earlier this Monday - after 5 days of deliberation - a jury found Harvey Weinstein guilty of sexual assault and rape of two women. At many...
Her Campus at UPR
The Top 8 Things a Lot of Us Are Guilty of Doing
There are some actions in our daily lives that we do even if we want to try to be better. Some of the things we do are things we...
Why Are We Women Constantly Feeling Guilty?
I noticed this incredible topic being brought up in an article I recently read from the Huffington Post , and it's nothing but accurate...