On average, after you turn 18, you should see your gynecologist about once a year. For a lot of college aged women who have just moved out...
Not trying to alert your parents every time you need a wellness check down there ? Your university health center has more resources than you think to ensure you...
Everything you need to know about getting tested for STIs.
Everyone hates going to the Gynecologist but you need to start now.
Turning 21 is probably one of the most fun ages to turn. The only not so exciting thing is that now you have to start getting the much...
Have you seen a gynecologist yet? If you are a women and the answer is no… girl… we need to talk. Women’s sexual health is such an...
For the next question of the week: lady issues! Dear Wenger, I THINK THERE IS A TAMPON INSIDE OF ME WHAT THE (this word has been censored)...
Don’t worry, we’re right there with you and we feel your pain.
Vagina. I said it once, and I’ll say it again…. vagina. Vagina, vagina, vagina. It's the proper yet very, very uncomfortable term to use...
Does visiting the gynaecologist make you feel anxious or shy? Try some of these tips that will help the gyno get to know you, and you them, so that...