Tips and tricks to take action when someone needs help.
Her Campus at U Mass Amherst
How to End the Bystander Effect
Her Campus at Nanyang Tech
Self-help guide to countering the bystander effect
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nanyang Tech chapter.Trigger warning: Sexual harassment, catcalling As young women, there will always be a concern...
Her Campus at GSU
Make Catcalling Illegal
Catcalling is one of the most annoying and degrading things a woman can experience, in my opinion. Yes, it's nice to get a compliment, but there is a respectful...
Her Campus at BU
Why Tall Girl’s Dunkleman is Decidedly Not Endearing
Am I the only one who thinks he’s creepy?
Her Campus at Muhlenberg
Toxic Masculinity and Violence
The idea of what qualifies as masculinity various from country to country, place to place. However, in the United States, masculinity often...
Patty’s Party Safety
We all know what college students typically do today. Whether it is going bar hopping, to a house party, or drinking with a few people, St...