"Her Campus has truly shaped my college career thus far and has opened a lot of doors for me as a student, blogger and woman."
"So much has changed because I decided to write for Her Campus, and I couldn't be happier."
"Her Campus... helped me to feel like an integral part of [my] university."
"Her Campus opens up so many opportunities that I didn’t have before."
"Launching a chapter of Her Campus at my university has been a huge game-changer."
Click to see our favorite photo entries of the week, what the bloggers have been up to and an update on how many submissions we've received so far!
A wrap up on what the bloggers sponsoring the photo challenge have been up to PLUS our favorite photos of the week...in GIF FORM!!
The Her Campus Blogger Network (HCBN) is Her Campus’s curated network of blogs written by young women on topics like fashion, beauty,...