I bet you’re reading this article because you’re a tall girl and related to its title, right? Or you’re not tall at all and just found this hypothesis interesting...
Upping your culinary game, 15 seconds at a time. <center></center>
As someone who has been trying to get creative about how to entertain myself during this quarantine, I have personally researched and...
Westerns aren’t all gunfights, gangs, and glory. They tell stories of love, loss, revenge, and frequently challenge their viewers to decide...
November has become an important month for my family, but not because it symbolizes the start of the holiday season. November is the...
On October 17, 2018, cannabis-infused edible products, more commonly known as “edibles,” became legal to purchase in Canada. If smoking...
AKA, how to be the best-dressed girl you know.
To say “I love fashion” can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. When I was young, that meant fighting my mom on my...
Cannabinoids comes from the hemp part of the marijuana plants. Despite being from marijuana its does not get you high, only relaxes you. It...