If you are looking for inspiration for your next holiday movie, look no further! I have made the ultimate Christmas movie watch guide!
Do you ever feel like you're paying more for your streaming subscriptions than you paid for cable? You just might be falling victim toe the streaming wars...
I'm the kind of person who's watched everything (but also nothing at the same time.) From cartoons to anime to sitcoms to documentaries, I honestly don't discriminate. I still...
Itâs fun to watch a film just to overthink and see how âthe little thingsâ all come together to create meaning. 'Midnight in Paris' is a recent favorite. Overall...
As a loyal fan of the show since the beginning, I have been scared with every new season that it's going to lose its spark and wonât be able...
Brian Jordan Alvarez has been one of the many names pursuing simplistic social media marketing.
College can be overwhelming and stressful, no matter what year youâre in. Every week, I like to watch around one to three movies to not only entertain myself but...