Suzanne Collins recently announced the upcoming release of both the novel and film of 'Sunrise on the Reaping', the fifth installment of the 'The Hunger Games' series. Here is...
Suzanne Collins is one of the most popular young adult authors in the 21st century. In 2008, she wrote The Hunger Games, which is by far her most popular...
2014 was the peak era for dystopian novellas. Books like ‘Divergent’ and ‘The Maze Runner’ were all the rage, and the Hunger Games Trilogy was capturing the attention of...
Dystopian movies were an era-defining feature of the 2010s, but which one is the best out of all of them?
Prequels seem to be getting more and more popular, and 2023 had some very successful ones. But just what made people so attracted to them?
I haven’t gotten to go to a concert in several years so this was a great one to attend. I got to see Olivia Rodrigo Live in Chicago Performing...
Why do people love the "bad boys" with horrible personalities?
I still recall my excitement when I found out Suzanne Collins was releasing a Hunger Games prequel. Ever the Hunger Games fanatic, I was crossing my fingers that we...
matching Hunger Games districts to Dorms!