“Empowerment is being able to take control of your capabilities and innate talents in order to feel more capable and satisfied with...
“Empowerment is when we give each other power to be the best versions of ourselves and to achieve anything we want in life no matter where...
"More often than not, heroes walk amongst us carrying invisible capes and fighting internal battles in their minds that we couldn’t even begin to comprehend. Just as often, these...
Mary Shelley was a rebel, a precursor, an intellect, and someone who went against society’s expectations in order to stay true to herself. And for these wonderful reasons, Mary...
“ Empowerment is loving yourself and being able to be your truest self everywhere. ” Melanie L. Talavera In the past, women’s involvement...
Women are often criticized for speaking their mind and asking for what they deserve. This is why Her Campus UPRM will be having the “I Did...
Not everyone is a fan of Taylor Swift, but we should all love the inspiring ideas behind her new album.
There will be no further explanation. There will just be reputation.