Photos are one of the most powerful resources to keep the world informed. But, who are the ones behind the cameras?
According to lawyer Patricia Brandão, freedom of expression is a fundamental right that stems from the right to information
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.Sometimes life can be hard. There is always so much going on and so many...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.Hugs are so important for us because they contribute to your health and happiness! It’s...
No Dia Mundial do Doador de Sangue, conheça a experiência de dois doadores e a importância dessa atitude para salvar vidas todos os dias.
Freckles, sunmarks, and tanlines. The hallmarks of summer are on the horizon. If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably already obsessed...
The definition of a real woman is a strong-minded and smart human being that will one day make a huge difference in this twisted world. She...
As we all know, fighting for equality of the black race has been going on for decades, but adding the title " Black Lives Matter" made it a...
If you watched the Oscars on February 9, you would have witnessed a historic win in the Best Picture category. The Korean film “Parasite”...
Hi hi! This week, I am going to talk about my involvement with American Sign Language (ASL) and how this can persuade you all to maybe...