Is the latest trend to stop standing out?
Would the UK benefit from more community-based environments as opposed to the individualistic culture of our capital city?
Buying into trends in search of individuality will get you nowhere.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.Music. Literature. Theatre. Painting. Dancing. What do they all have in common? They are...
To acknowledge how hyperindividualism, which is in hindsight having no regard for society, has affected the system and once again favors those with privilege.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delhi South chapter.Frills, flowers, eccentric prints, loose fits, tassels, beads and feathers. This is how one...
How the global pandemic transformed and re-affirmed our perception of plus-sized fashion.
Approximately 70% of students score higher on narcissism and lower on empathy than the average student did 30 years ago. This probably...
As we get closer to November 3rd, the presidential election only grows heavier on our minds. Maybe you’ve already voted, maybe you haven’t...