What if I told you, you could get free full size products from companies just by being yourself? A product reviews and discovery platform called Influenster.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.Do you ever get jealous swiping through your favourite influencer’s social media posts and...
As students, our budgets do not always allow for splurging on items that fall on the want list as opposed to the need list. For me, my list...
About two months ago, I wrote an article about the mobile application Influenster . If you want to know all about the app itself, my...
I always wondered how people start reviewing products for free. As a beauty lover and an avid beauty shopper, it has always been a dream of...
I’ve been getting a lot of messages lately from girls asking me how I get makeup and beauty products for free. Thanks to Influenster, I get...
HCAU Guide To The Most Useful Apps It’s difficult keeping everything together, so having a few handy apps to help out with that is never a...
Boxes, boxes, boxes! Our writers love to try new things and they are not afraid to share their opinions on their experiences. A few girls...
Do you love trying new beauty products? More importantly, do you want to try them for FREE? Allow me to introduce you to Influenster! If...
Every Collegiette knows how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle despite the constant studying for upcoming exams and parties to...