This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.In 2016, Native Americans including the Standing Rock Sioux tribe spent their days and nights...
Riverdale is a TV show based on the Archie Comic series. This show does a better job than most by showing people from various backgrounds...
300 women were murdered in Turkey last year . Femicide, a sex-based hate crime defined as the intentional murder of women, in this country...
This type of Feminism is not one-dimensional.
The history of the feminist movement has always been centered around white women. The image of the “quintessential feminist” is typically linked to Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B....
A patriarchy is defined as a society or government system in which men hold power and women are largely excluded. In America, we live in a...
Books have always been (and still are) a safe haven for me. This has become especially true throughout 2020. This year has been a whirlwind...
The harm of idolizing individuals within the environmental movement.
As a feminist, I think it is important to understand the struggles of other women in the community, especially with the Black Lives Matter...