The film Joker: Folie à Deux has received a lot of criticism from both the public and specialized critics for being in musical format, and even fans of musical...
Get this inside scoop on filming “The Batman,” as well as a rundown on the movie, from the stars themselves. Plus, Rob's eyeliner...
If you’ve seen The Joker, it was intense, it was gory, it was insane. However, Joaquin Phoenix delved deeper into the mind of The Joker...
We all know the infamous character of the Joker -- or, at least we thought we did. If your mindset is default to thinking this will be yet...
This new take on the comic book villain touches upon some serious issues
If any of you have seen the new movie Joker , which was released on October 4th, you would know it isn’t the supervillain movie you were...
Joker: one of the most anticipated movies of 2019. When it was announced that there was going to be a solo Joker film, the world had no...
This past friday the Joker movie came out in theaters so naturally my inner dork was able to convince some of my friends to come watch it...