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Articles Tagged With: Katelyn
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16 Truths About College

When you go off to college, everyone tells you that everything is going to be great, you'll love every minute of it, and everything will be...

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Campus Cutie: Ashlee Cordero

Meet this week's campus cutie, Ashlee Cordero! Ashlee is an Sophomore Exercise Science major, involved with AOII and loves puppies, sleep...

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Five Essentials for Your Fall Wardrobe

Fall is among us and that means taking the Summer clothes out and bringing the Fall clothes in. Here are a few must-haves (and some extra) for the perfect...

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Cutest of Cuties: Savannah Stout

Meet Savannah Stout, possibly the cutest of all cuties. This summer she was a Camp Counselor for Centri-kid and has a passion for sharing the love of Christ, among...