With all of the extra time in the library and constantly being surrounded by people, it’s easy to start to feel run down. Thank you, Cold-...
Finals Week is almost over, collegiettes; thank goodness! To get through that last round of tests, see below for our Her Campus Survival...
While finals have come to a close at Pitt (time to rejoice!), another finals week went by where students were running around stressed. Here...
We all know finals' week can get really tough, but we always get through it. I'm here to tell you all about my finals week and the products...
Hey girls! It's finals weeks and you know what that means! Finals Survival kit time! We'd like to take the time now to thank our sponsors...
This semester Her Campus has paired up with remarkable sponsors who’s solemn goal was to make finals suck a little less by sending us a...
Her Campus knows how stressful finals week can be so they sent HC chapters across the nation Finals Survival Kits full of goodies from...
WE SURVIVED FINALS 2014…thanks to our Her Campus Finals Survival Kit! But, seriously, we cannot get enough of these goodies. - We're...
Her Campus KU received our Finals Survival Kit from Her Campus Nationals!! We are so excited to show off all the goodies, PLUS we've been...
And so it begins. Our final day of freedom before the hell that is finals week begins. Though there is no avoiding the stress and fear that...