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Articles Tagged With: Kinesiology
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Her Campus at TAMU Kinesiology Classes at tamu

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.It’s that time of year again.  You’re left scanning the course catalogs wondering what to...

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Her Campus at MSU Julie Hopp, 2020

Name: Julie Hopp Major: Kinesiology Minor: Sports Business Management Hometown: Mount Pleasant, MI How’s your senior year going so far?...

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Going in for the Kill: Jessica Kalous

UW-Milwaukee senior and rock star volleyball player, Jessica Kalous, took the time out of her crazy schedule for this week's Her Campus UWM profile interview!

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Kelly Montague

Meet a fun, spunky graduate student who puts her heart and soul into what she loves. Name: Kelly Montague Where you were born: Raleigh, NC...

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Meet Lilly Kanishka!

With a major in Kinesiology followed by a minor in Chemistry, and she's one busy bee!

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Michelle Castillo ’18

Name: Michelle Castillo Age: 19 Year: Sophmore Major: Kinesiology emphasis in PT & Spanish Hometown: San Diego, CA Her Campus (HC):...