As of February 20th of 2024, the two women have officially been sentenced. Both Ruby and Jodi are facing 1-15 years in prison for each of the 4 final...
Her Campus at CWU
An Update Regarding the 8 Passengers Situation
Her Campus at Utah
Toxic Masculinity in the LDS Church
A reflection on my experiences with men in the Mormon faith.
Her Campus at Utah
Be More Than Kind – Our Rights Depend on It
Being kind is great. Standing up for what is right is better.
Her Campus at Utah
Your Beliefs Are Not Neutral
We must confront and navigate the implications of our beliefs.
Her Campus at Utah
What’s in a Name: Why You Shouldn’t Call Your Friends “Mormons” Anymore
Am I Mormon, LDS, or a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?
Her Campus at Utah
Why I Left the LDS Church
Sorry, mom. But I'm going to have to disappoint you to live a happy life.
Her Creative Writing: The Trigger That Pushed Me Out of My Religion
Growing up in Draper, Utah everyone asked you which ward of the LDS church you were in; as if they were asking you what your favorite color...