Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Greed, Wrath and Pride. A clever and powerful concept exploring the conflicts we all face...
Her Campus Leeds talks to Avigail Kohn, the President of the newly formed PPE Society (Politics, Philosophy and Economics). Hi Avigail,...
I was looking forward to seeing LUU’s Music Theatre Society’s production of ‘Into the Woods’ with much anticipation. What’s not to love...
This week we're featuring a magical Campus Celebrity! Here's Steven Daly, Events Co-ordinator for LUU's Quidditch and Harry Potter Society...
Rebekah: Welcome to our first society blog for HerCampus! In this section, Hannah and I will be visiting and commenting on various...
Last week I was fortunate enough to experience the fantastic performance of ‘Ruddigore’ by Opera Soc. Upon first hearing of the performance...
In order to gain the most out of your time at university and ensure you emerge as a well-rounded individual now independent from your...
Helen is a second year Broadcast Journalism student who manages to find time in her busy schedule to also take charge of the news at Leeds...