Her Campus Leeds talks to Jake Leigh Howarth, President anf founder of the Coffee Society! Hey! So, tell us a bit about yourself... Hey, I’...
Her Campus Leeds got chatting to Charlotte Grace, the Secretary of Belly Dancing Society yesterday. 1. Hi Charlotte, tell us a bit about...
This week Her Campus Leeds donned her beret and had a petite conversation with the President of FrenchSoc, James Xu. 1. Hi James, tell us a...
Hannah: Two nattering bloggers, one radio crew member and a live broadcast to the student population. It’s like the start of a movie epic...
Last week a new group gained approval from Leeds University Students’ Union to become a society. I spoke to the society's president,...
And the award goes to… Whilst I sit there and hope my favourites win the most awards, the Oscars presents me with the opportunity for my...
Before starting University I rather wishfully made the resolution to put down the Ben and Jerry’s, drag my derriere off the sofa from the...
This week, I asked my housemates for a few suggestions of people whom they felt were good influential public figures, be they men or women...
There is a quote from the infinitely quotable Mean Girls that goes along the lines of ‘you have all got to stop calling yourself sluts and...
Alongside studying for her degree, Rosie Pike has landed the role of President of ICS Society this year. Heading up the society for...