When I began to watch “Girls,” the lack of music felt uncomfortable, and there were numerous times where I contemplated turning it off. However, this show is like watching...
Her Campus at MSU
A Review and Reflection of the 2012 Comedy-Drama, ‘Girls’
Her Campus at Kent State
Why is No One Talking about Lena Dunham’s “Fat is Not Beautiful” Sweatshirt?
Lena Dunham and a clothing company called Revolve tried to release a sweatshirt that read "Fat is not beautiful, it's an excuse." Why is no one talking about this?
Lena Dunham Penned An Essay About Undergoing A Hysterectomy at 31 & It’s Powerful
Her honesty is heartbreaking and powerful.
Why We Can’t Stop Talking About Aziz Ansari
It is imperative to the movement for those who have abused their power and exploited victims to be held accountable for their actions.
Lena Dunham Is No Feminist Icon
With each instance of hearing someone hail Lena Dunham as a feminist icon, I cannot help but to roll my eyes heavily. As co-creator of the...
Lena Dunham Has Apologized for Defending a ‘Girls’ Writer Accused of Sexual Assault, & Twitter Still Isn’t Having It
Many people think that Dunham is falsely displaying what it means to be a feminist.