If you are a senior or know seniors at ND, you’ve probably seen a lot of “last” or “last-first” posts this week. I’m just as guilty because...
A Week of “Last-Firsts”
Why You Should Go to LHOP
Do you need plans for Friday night this week ? Look no further, because from 9:30 PM-1:00AM, you can revel in the delici ous occas ion...
Terri Harvey
Sometimes in life, we let our hardships take us down to a dark place, and it seems as if we’ll never climb back into the light. Terri...
Katrina Linden ’16
Name : Katrina Linden Hometown : Santa Ana, California, the real OC Dorm : Lewis Major : American Studies, Journalism, Ethics, and...
Campus Celebrity: Meghan Till ’17
When I frantically texted Meghan Till asking her to be a Campus Celebrity, she quickly responded with a simple "yes." You see, Meghan has...
Oktoberfest Comes to Notre Dame
Do you find yourself stalking friends’ study abroad albums instead of studying for exams or writing your papers? If so, I have no doubt you...