In the midst of the hustle of earning your degree, sometimes it can be easy to forget that there’s more to college than late nights of studying and long...
Her Campus at SLU
10 Things You Should Do At SLU Before You Graduate
Her Campus at WVWC
The Effects of Stress on Your Appearance
If there’s one thing that all college students understand, it’s stress. Stress is hard to avoid in college when deadlines, projects, and...
Things from Veep I Wish I Can Scream Out Loud
I don’t know about you, but, right now, I barely have time to charge my phone and I have been sleep deprived to a point where I start to...
Saturday Night As told by Back to the Future
It’s finally the weekend and you are way too excited about it. You are ready to hang out with friends and have a fun time. So you round up...
Her Campus at Tampa
If you’re like me, and you love to find cheap, natural, innovative ways to pamper yourself, than this article is for you. During my teenage...