Over the past year, I have become an avid podcast listener. I have found that they can be more than just background noise, as the hosts often build a...
Her Campus at Northeastern
Podcasts That I’m Loving Right Now
Her Campus at CU Boulder
Why Is Taking Your Own Advice So Hard?
Why is it that we’re so quick to dish out the perfect advice to others, yet when it comes to our own lives, we can’t seem to follow through?
Her Campus at UCD
What Makes A Good Listener?
In some conversations, we find ourselves feeling so understood. The feeling of being heard is only felt so often. So what sets apart the people listening from the good...
Her Campus at SBU
Ear vs Eye: Pros and Cons of Audiobooks vs Traditional Reading
Ear vs Eye: Pros and Cons of Audiobooks vs Traditional Reading
Her Campus at SBU
Listening With an Empathetic Ear
How to be an empathic listener: as told by my good friend Joe