It’s that time of year again!
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Coastal Carolina chapter.This article is for all the Type A girlies out there. I feel like...
This article is for a loved one of mine who passed away suddenly a short while ago...I did't want to write this but I'm glad I did.
Happy v-day! (V as in Valentines, not vd of course)
Have you ever had an argument with a loved one and thought, “Wow, that was productive”? I don’t mean in terms of whether you won or lost,...
You can’t move on from grief, but you can move forward.
For most, the holidays are a highly anticipated time of the year. With songs of good cheer, the warmth of candles, fires, and family, it is...
There are some things you can never quite prepare for when gearing up for college, such as the death of a loved on back home.
By: Emma Rose Davis For those who have lost loved ones, this season is a hard one. With Thanksgiving and Christmas quickly approaching, I...
Grandpa, It seems so unreal that you are no longer here on earth with us. I think back to the times we had together and I thank God for...