Dos votos em Washington Ă s decisões em BrasĂlia: como os resultados das eleições nos EUA podem ecoar na polĂtica brasileira
Rio Grande do Sul’s catastrophe is a sequel of interest conflicts, deficient communication and years built on neglect.
Entenda como os poderes Legislativo e Executivo foram constituĂdos nas Ăşltimas eleições gerais e como essa composição se reflete nas Ăşltimas derrotas do governo Lula
 March 31st marked the 60th anniversary of the military coup. This subject caused a great deal of outrage among the media, because the current president of the republic, Luiz...
Photo montages, memes and even an Instagram post from the French President, Emmanuel Macron and Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva met up in Brazil. Jokes aside, what does Brazil...
Afirmação de Lula durante entrevista vem causando polĂŞmica desde fevereiro e abriu espaço para o debate: afinal, qual a diferença entre guerra e genocĂdio?
The Federal Supreme Court (STF) is composed of 11 ministers, indicated by the President and approved by the federal Senate. They have a lifetime position, so they’ll stay there...
Thais Bilenky show how Alexandre de Moraes might steal the spotlight in the most polarized scenario of Brazil’s politics
On Workers' Day, Lula gave a speech to Brazilian workers in Vale do AnhangabaĂş, in SĂŁo Paulo, where he made some promises.
With her beautiful and considerable trajectory, since before joining a political party, SĂ´nia is a big name in national activism