We live in a world where the answers to all our most profound queries are at our fingertips. The internet has made it possible to access...
Her Campus at KCL
Moral Panics, Conspiracy Theories and Confusion: The Nation of Misinformation
Her Campus at American
The Importance of Twitter to the Revolution
Also known as: How Crowdsourcing is Saving America. Twitter and other social media platforms have proven integral to the Revolutions of 2020; who would've thought?
Her Campus at Carleton
Revolting From the Norm – Breaking Barriers and Challenging Mainstream Media
What comes to mind when you hear the word REVOLT? Is it Rebellion? Or an attempt to overthrow authority? While that may be somewhat true,...
Jump on Consent
This week, when I was listening to my podcast, "Still Processing," they talked about a song that I have not given much thought to, pretty...
Problematic Mainstream Media: A Case Study
Day after day I see constant posts on social media about the election. People are still angry and frustrated by the overwhelming stalemate...