Cars are expensive, I mean EXPENSIVE. Yes, there is gas but paying for gas is the cheapest part of owning a car. You first have to buy a...
Her Campus at HWS
What To Think About Before Owning A Car
Her Campus at WVU
The breakdown of flash sales and how to resist them
One thing making it harder to save money for college students is the rising popularity of flash sales. Flash sales are a marketing...
A Game Plan for Managing Your Meal Plan Money
It’s a busy time to be a college student. As the semester’s end approaches and assignments and papers begin to pile up like that “clothes...
College Probz: So All You Can Afford is Ramen Noodles?
The money struggle is a constant battle every college student faces every time they have to decide between ordering Chick-fil-A nuggets or...
6 Tips for Managing Your Money After Graduation
As glamorous as Macklemore makes it sound, popping some tags with only 20 dollars in your pocket probably isn't a financial situation you...
How to Manage Your Money Easily
Raise your hand if you think managing money is easy. …Nobody? Yeah, we thought so. Thankfully, Bluebird, a checking and debit alternative...