Back Bones of the Marching Band Part 2 This is a series on the Back Bones of the Fighting Bee Band. There will be multiple parts to this...
Her Campus at SAU
Back Bone of the Marching Band Part 2
Her Campus at Akron
Collegiate Marching Band under COVID-19
If you are not a student at the University of Akron, you may not know that the university is executing a hybrid semester. This means that...
Her Campus at Columbia Chicago
I am Woman, Hear Me Roar: A Guide to Protesting
In an era that threatens to drag society back to the 1980s, people have recognized more than ever the power of protesting. We have a lot to...
Gun Control: How Many Lives Does It Take?
It has been a rollercoaster of emotions for the entire world watching the results of a tragic school shooting at Majory Stoneman Douglas...
Marching into Winter
Protests weren't just some post-inauguration fad last spring. They're springing up anywhere and everywhere in the capital this fall!
McKenna Thayer: Michigan’s Woman Up Front
Her Campus had the amazing opportunity to talk to the University of Michigan Marching Band’s drum major McKenna Thayer. McKenna is...