The Berkshire Museum, located in my hometown of Pittsfield, Mass., has played a pivotal role in my life for nearly two decades. When I was...
Her Campus at MCLA
Experiencing the Experience Team: My Time at the Berkshire Museum
Her Campus at MCLA
The Course of Masters
“Heeded my words not, did you? Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of...
Her Campus at MCLA
A few tips on founding a club
Especially at a small college like MCLA, you might find that there is a need for a certain club or organization that doesn’t exist. You...
Use all of your four years of college
As a graduating senior, I am able to look back at my previous three years of college with some level of retrospect. Freshman year, I was...
Professionalism in college: A line you must draw in the sand
In many ways, college is a halfway point between childhood and adulthood. Everyone is here to learn, and it's ok -- almost expected -- for...
5 Confusing Job Terms & What They Mean
Let's say you find an amazing job online. It pays well, you have the experience and it's close by. You click on the page to read more...