I never thought I would be a person who meditates… until I found this podcast.
Her Campus at Toronto MU
How A 30-Minute Podcast Changed My Mindset
Her Campus at GCU
Creating a Holiday Break Bucket List
During your holiday break, don't spend the day bored at home! Here are some fun activities to do during the winter break!
Her Campus at U Mass Amherst
My Journey Meditating, and Why You Should Give It a Try
How meditation has significantly helped me on my self improvement journey.
Her Campus at U Mass Amherst
Four Ways to Regulate Your Stress in Our Political Climate
Tips on how to cope with election stress.
Her Campus at McMaster
Reclaiming Self-Compassion: Simple Practices to Silence Your Inner Critic and Embrace Self-Love
"Over the years, I’ve learned to spot when my inner-critic is getting a little too noisy."
Her Campus at U Mass Amherst
My Favorite Yoga Poses For a Stressful Holiday Season
A few yoga poses to get you through the stressful holiday season!
Her Campus at TAMU
Headspace – My experience with meditation
Every time that I tried meditating, I felt like I was doing it wrong.
Her Campus at FSU
6 Ways ‘The Book of Joy’ Has Helped Me Find Peace in a Scary World
You can find joy and peace in everyday life!
Her Campus at Texas
Meditation: a word we're all familiar with, but may not know exactly what it is or how to do it. This article gives the basics behind mediation and offers...