Winter is in full effect, college is back in session and we are all wishing we could be any but Pennsylvania. I don’t know if it is just me...
As many have already suspected, there are some major differences between life at Susquehanna University versus La Trobe University. Here’s...
As many of you know, on Feb 4th, 2018 Philadelphia Eagles took home the title of Super Bowl LII winners. It was a pretty amazing moment for...
I am officially the new chum on the block, or a new mate in town. Translation: I am new to Melbourne. Since my time here, I have truly...
White Night is an all-night festive held in Melbourne. It’s held to showcase local and international craftsmanship and innovation. I had...
After about 30 hours of travel, I have finally made it to Aussie. The first flight was 16 hours from JFK to Hong Kong. Then from HKong to...
Why I chose to pick up and move across the world. Leaving my family, friends and comfort zone.
As I peered up and glanced at the large and luminous airport monitors, dreading leaving Florida after spring break, I noticed the vast...